22 June 2009

Apples Theme Unit

Here's what we did for apple theme week in kindergarten:

Ten Apples Up On Top!

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

The Apple Doll

How Do Apples Grow?

One Green Apple

Apple Fractions

Johnny Appleseed

The Giving Tree

Language Arts:
Find the rhyming words in "Ten Apples Up On Top," write them on index cards and play memory where the rhyming cards are a match.

Make a tally chart of favorite apples. (We just did red, yellow, and green)
Estimate height, weight, circumference and number of seeds in the apples.
Apple addition and subtraction (I used an apple punch to make counters.)
Basic intro to fractions using "Apple Fractions."

Sort apples by different characteristics (size, color, shape).
Experiment: Do apples sink or float?
Identify the parts of an apples tree (trunk, leaves, buds).
Learn the life cycle of apple trees from seed to fruit.

Social Studies:
Basic introduction of westward movement (from "Johnny Appleseed: A Poem").
Look at a map or globe to identify the places in "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World."

Read Genesis 3. (Of course the fruit in this story is not specified as an apple, but is often traditionally recognized as one.)
Memorize Romans 3:23.

Apple prints (of course!)

Make an apple doll. (We still need to make a body and clothes for her so she's not so scary!)
Draw an apple tree (we used the apple punches again to decorate.)
Make an apple pie!

Here's a list of our other kindergarten theme units.


  1. Hi, I found your site from the Heart of the Matter Blogroll. We are homeschoolers from the state of Georgia.


    Oh, I am featuring the SpellQuizzer software giveaway on my GAhome2mom blog. Come check it out!

  2. How thankful I am to have stumbled upon your blog!! I am beginning my homeschooling journey with my daughter (K) in the fall. I'm beginning to get some plans in place and was searching for ideas on an Apple-themed unit.

    Your ideas were perfect & I know that I'll be visiting again to gain more inspiration. Thank you for sharing your ideas! Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated :) God bless!
