04 April 2009

Book of the Week: "Down the Road"

Now that we are finished with our ABC book, I thought it would be fun to have a new "regular feature" type of post for Saturdays. I will be sharing a book that my kids and I have really enjoyed. It may or may not have to do with our theme for the week. It might be a new discovery, it might be an old favorite, and it might not even be "twaddle-free," but it will be something we consider worthwhile.
Down the Road is such a lovely book (and lovely is a word I use quite sparingly) that tells the story of girl and her first experience going to town on an errand by herself. This is one of those books that just creates a warm mood in a way that I can't really explain or describe, so I won't. I do know that any book with an adventure down a dusty road, squishy shoes, and the view from an apple tree can't be bad! Next time you're in the library, look for it. I think you'll be glad you did.

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