20 July 2009

Autumn Theme Unit

Books to read:

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
Hello, Harvest Moon
Why Do Leaves Change Color?
Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic
How Do You Know It's Fall?
In November

Sort leaves by their characteristics (color, shape, pointy vs. smooth edges, etc.).

Write an autumn sensory poem following the model: I see_______. I smell______. I hear______. I taste______. I feel________.

Make celery leaves change colors by putting them in a glass of water with food coloring.

Take a nature walk and observe changes going on.

Adopt a tree and visit it regularly. Observe the changes throughout the year. Take pictures of the tree or sketch it.

Make leaf rubbings.

Make a collage of leaves between 2 layers of wax paper. Iron the layers together.

Make a leaf silhouette by holding a leaf in place and painting around the edges of the leaf onto the paper. You will have created a negative space leaf.

Acorn math. Find some acorns on a nature walk to use as counters for counting, adding, or solving word problems.

Make a life-sized scarecrow using old clothes stuffed with newspaper.

Observe a fresh-fallen leaf over a few days as it dries out. Hypothesize what is happening.

Read Psalm 104 and reflect on God as Creator. Make a list of all of God's creations mentioned in the Psalm.

Discuss some of the figurative language (or word pictures) in this Psalm such as heavens like a tent, or wings of the wind. Draw a picture of your favorite image.

Memorize Psalm 104:19.

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