19 August 2009

Art in the Park

Last week I planned a preschool art play date for the moms group at my church. It was a lot of fun and wasn't too tough to put together. I made six different stations:

1. Sidewalk chalk

You'll need chalk.

2. Crayon Rubbings

You'll need crayons, paper, and an assortment of objects with interesting textures like leaves, paper clip, and coins.

3. Shaving cream sculpture

This became paint the tree trunk white! You'll need shaving cream and some kind of tub.

4. Suncatcher Collage

You'll need tissue paper squares, clear contact paper squares, and optional glitter. Put a piece of contact paper sticky side up. Put tissue squares on one at a time. Add some glitter and put another piece of contact paper on top.

5. Colored Bubble Art

You'll need bubbles and food coloring, but be careful! Mix at least half a little squeeze bottle of food coloring (the McCormick kind) into a small (3 oz.) bottle of bubbles. When you blow they bubbles, catch them onto white paper and they will splat into a subtle, but beautiful print.

6. Finger paint

You'll need finger paint and paper.

I put up a few sign so people would know where the activities were, but it wasn't absolutely necessary. It was a great way to get together with friends, be creative, and make a mess somewhere other than my house!
Do you ever have art play dates? I'd love to hear about them!

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